Super Dog Puppy is a premium food that contains Bioplus and Dhermadog in its formula, adding many benefits for our small pets: healthy skin and coat, better digestion, muscles, healthy and strong bones & healthy teeth and gums.
SUPERPERRO Cachorro es un alimento premium que contiene Bioplus y Dhermadog en su fórmula, añadiendo muchos beneficios para nuestras pequeñas mascotas: piel y pelo saludables, mejor digestión, músculos,huesos sanos y fuertes & dientes y encías sanas.
We are a small business based in Costa Rica. Our love for our pets is what lead us to start this journey. Not only are we pet owners, but we also have providers with Years of experience working within the animal & health industry and have a passion for ONE HEALTH. Our experiences have motivated us to create a solution that will enrich the lives of your furry friends.